Hospitality Ministry

This ministry is designed to greet our visitors and members with the love of Christ. Their responsibilities also include, but are not limited to directing and collecting tithes and offerings, the preparation of dinners, receptions and picnics for the ministry. 

Men’s Ministry

This ministry is designed to strengthen and encourage men from different cultures, ethnicities and economical backgrounds in God’s word. The men’s ministry meets once a month in a casual and relaxed atmosphere. Additionally, the men’s ministry will plan various activities, such as conferences, outings, bibles studies so that men from different Churches can come together and build one another in God. 

Prison Ministry

This ministry is designed to share the Word of God to both men and women inmates, and give them an opportunity to experience the power of Christ. This ministry attempts to ministry to the heart of people by offering unconditional love, compassion and genuineness. 


Marriage Ministry

This ministry is designed to reinforce the marital relationship between a man and a woman. This ministry works on building, repairing and/or restoring the relationship put together by God.